
myles taylor moody

My due date to have Myles was Jan. 7, 2012. 
However, nothing happened. Nothing at all. 
 No contractions or any signs that Myles was ready to make 
his debut and grace us with his presence. I was pretty discouraged once
my due date rolled along and I was still only 1cm dilated and 70% effaced. 
We went ahead and scheduled an induction for the following week- 
Jan. 15, 2012. I was so ready to meet Mr. Myles. 
Waiting until Jan. 15 was the longest, most miserable week of my life. 
Sleeping was a struggle. My discomfort shot from a 5 to a 10. 
Basically it was my body's way of saying, "get this little man out!"
When the day finally arrived I couldn't have been more thrilled not to 
mention nervous. 
We arrived at the Utah Valley hospital Sunday evening around 6pm. 
It was go time. 
I was extremely nervous. All of my fears about delivery flooded in 
at once and of course a few tears were shed (okay A LOT). 
I couldn't believe it was time, time for this little spirit to 
join us. We got situated in our room and I tried relaxing to calm my nerves. 
I was given cytotek in the first hour to begin the process of softening my cervix. 
My body responded immediately to the cytotek and a wave of contractions began. 
I went from being 2.5 cm dilated to 4 cm in just under two hours. Because 
I made so much progress they decided I didn't need Pitocin. I think the nurses 
were as surprised as I was to how well my body was responding. 
Contractions were extremely painful for me- even at a 4. They were deep, intense, 
and all-consuming. Taylor was great at holding my hand and telling me 
to breath. His touch alone was so comforting. I couldn't have done it without him.
By the time I was a 5 I was more than ready for the sweet relief of an epidural. 
I know, call it weak sauce, but lets be honest- why go through the immense pain
when you could be relaxin', sharing your excitement with your husband about 
what's about to happen, & sippin' a Ginger ale? I threw up twice
during my contractions. I'm pretty sure that was my body's way of handling the 
horrendous contractions. I swore
my pain tolerance was greater, guess not. 

The epidural was pure bliss. Taylor and I enjoyed these last moments
we would have together as a family of two. We even recorded
a little video sharing how we were feeling and thoughts
we were having. By this time 9 hours had passed by and I was almost a 10.
At this point my Dr. came in and started prepping for the delivery. 
It was surreal. This was happening. In a few short hours i would have
my little man in my arms. 

As soon as I reached 10cm the pushing began. 
 My body was already fatigued to the point of exhaustion and it 
took every morsel of my being to keep the pushes coming. 
Whew... hard stuff. Two hours later, a pair of forceps, and the most intense pushing
--my little Myles made it!! 
He was the most perfect, beautiful, angel I had ever seen. 
I was so overwhelmed with warmth and love. Even though
my energy was depleted, I felt in a sense, rejuvenated. 
All of those 10 months of creating that baby came down to 
this moment- and it was indeed the most beautiful moment. 
After weighing & measuring Myles and running him through the baby routine, 
 I finally got to hold my little gem.
I exploded into tears. Tears of love and happiness.
It was the most amazing feeling holding him in my arms. 

And I have to say, nothing is more precious than watching Taylor transform into a father. 
He is simply a natural.  
Love my boys.


  1. love that last picture the most. How sweet it is to watch a young man become a father!

  2. I literally cried looking at the picture of you with Myles in your arms and a tear running down your face. What a sweet picture! And congratulations, Mary! He's a doll.

  3. I am totally crying right now. What an amazing story. Mary you are my hero! Myles is such a sweetie. We love you both and are beyond happy for you guys!! Xoxox

  4. this was amazing, thank you so much for sharing your sweet story I LOVE IT! and i love you guys so much!

  5. Ok missy, you made me cry! Seriously this is so tender! I am so happy for you guys!!

  6. Mary I love this! This got me all teary eyed, and made me so excited to do it again with baby girl. You guys are amazing. Love you so much!

  7. haha I love how all of the people that commented said they were crying. I thought I was the only one! Wow Mary, I seriously have been thinking about you everyday since you had your baby. I'm dying to come over, I just want to give you guys another week since you had the flu. But lets plan on next week if you are available. Myles is so precious and I'm so happy things went so well! I can't wait to see you guys and hear all about the first month! Love you!
