
changes on the way

changes will be made next week for my bloggy blog. 
just a face lift is all.
the new name is twisted lemon.
the name popped in my head one night during a 3am feeding,
so i guess i can thank myles for the inspiration.
there really isn't any sentimental meaning behind 'twisted lemon' other than
the fact that
i like lemons, i like yellow, & i think it suits me.


  1. Love, love, love the new blog name! I read your blog everyday. Consider me your biggest fan :-)
    P.S. ping pong paddles hahaha

  2. Awe very cute blog and name! I super heart yellow myself. I just posted about that on my blog actually:)
    You might be interested - im having a giveaway right now for a baby quilt made by a very lovely girl on Etsy.
    Have a look see.
    Hope to see ya there :)
