
it's been a while but a good while

Since the last time I blogged my life has experienced a whirlwind and im finally getting settled again. It was a time of figuring things out. Big decisions were on the table and were made. We considered moving to Denver and turned it down. I decided not to go back to school for a masters degree. I took on a job teaching English to Koreans. Taylor and I are cub masters for boy scouts. Myles is now on a sleeping schedule. I think you could say I am living a different life from two months ago. A life I am extremely satisfied with. And during all of this Myles has grown up so much. He's crawling, standing on everything, discovery, eating two solid food meals everyday on top of nursing full time, rolling off the bed-- eek!, and melting our hearts over and over again. He really is the cutest little punkin around and most definitely the best cuddle bug.


  1. I'm so happy to be reading your words of inspiration again!!! Xoxo

  2. Hey girl, your little punkin is just so adorable! Call me so we can plan a day/time to do lunch this week!
